
Your success is our number one priority.


Bookkeeping Services

Providing financial information to our clients in a timely and accurate manner is a commitment that we feel cannot be compromised. Meaningful, well-organized financial records ensure that your business operations will run more efficiently on a daily basis.

Our firm provides a full range of accounting services, including the following:

  • Accounting system setup for new businesses

  • Bookkeeping (Monthly/Quarterly/Annually)

  • General ledger, and financial statement preparation

Let us handle your day-to-day bookkeeping so you can focus on running your business.

Payroll Services

As a business grows, it must hire more employees, which can result in increased payroll administration.

We can assist you in implementing the controls necessary to ensure a reliable, efficient, and effective payroll system. Our firm can also help you develop a payroll system and prepare all necessary payroll tax returns in a timely manner.

Senior Accounting Services

Planning and support services for aging seniors who need assistance in maintaining control of their finances. We will work with you and your loved one to ensure that their financial management needs are being met.

Our senior services are customized to fit your exact needs, which may include:

- Specialized tax preparation for aging clients

- Bank reconciliations and assistance in executing financial transactions

- Bill payment (reviewing and paying household bills, budgeting, and record keeping)

- Assistance in resolving medical bill issues

- Handling payroll taxes for household employees

We work hand-in-hand with you to relieve you of the tedious details, but leave you in control, and as involved as you choose to be.


Tax Planning and Preparation Services

We know one of your top priorities is minimizing your tax burden. This is best achieved through comprehensive tax planning. Whether you’re a business or an individual, we will work with you throughout the year to develop a customized plan with tax-saving strategies that are tailored to your unique situation. We provide personal, one-on-one service and guidance, and offer answers to your important tax-related questions in language you understand.

Our professional staff stays up-to-date on everchanging tax laws and are committed to examining all the tax-saving opportunities available to you. We work to maximize your deductions and minimize your tax obligation while remaining in full compliance with IRS statutes.

IRS Representation

We provide expert IRS representation services because we understand that few things evoke more fear than receiving a notice from the IRS. We act as your representative in front of state and federal agencies to help resolve your issue in a timely manner with as little stress as possible. Professional representation can be vital during an audit, and our experience with tax authorities enables us to guide you through your situation with ease and expertise.

Sales Tax Services

Many of our clients are responsible for collecting and submitting sales taxes in many different jurisdictions. We can assist your company in compiling information and preparing sales tax returns in an efficient and timely manner.


QuickBooks Consulting

QuickBooks can provide useful and timely information in the form of financial statements, reports, and graphs. However, it can only provide this information if you purchase the right version and then install, setup, and use it properly. We don’t just help you use the software, we help you use it more efficiently and more effectively.

Liriano, CPA, provides the following solutions to help meet your QuickBooks needs:

- Personal Training. We train you either one-on-one or several individuals within your organization’s location.

- Installation. We install QuickBooks on your stand-alone computer or in a network environment, in either single or multi-user mode.

- Setup. We assist new QuickBooks users with initial setup including: EasyStep Interview, Preferences, Lists, Customers, Vendors, Employees, Banking and Reports. We also help experienced users manage their businesses more effectively by improving their current setup.

Many users experience problems and lack the ability to generate and track important information as a result of inadequate setup.

- Review. Our QuickBooks review service helps companies that have the human resources to perform daily accounting and payroll tasks, but need an accounting and payroll expert to review your transactions, accounts, and reports. This review ensures that you receive timely, relevant, and reliable financial information. We also inform you of any corrections, adjustments or reclassifications necessary to ensure that the financial information you receive reflects the correct financial condition of your business. Reviews may be conducted at any time.

Business Entity Selection

Choosing the form of entity of your business
(e.g., “S” corporation, sole proprietor, limited liability company) is a crucial decision that can have longstanding tax, and personal liability implications. We can assist you in evaluating the pros and cons of each entity type to help you determine the most advantageous form of entity for your business.